Music Director Marc Taddei welcomes you to the Vallejo Symphony! Don't be shy, don't worry about not knowing enough, and certainly remember to have fun!

Maybe you’ve never been to a classical concert. Maybe you saw Fantasia and were blown away. Maybe your date is bringing you to the Symphony and you know nothing about it. No matter what your situation, we’re here to help! Classical music is full of a wide range of emotions, colors, and experiences. It’s sometimes glamorous and romantic; sometimes heartbreaking; and other times full of anger and tension.

What is classical music?

Classical music is many things! The term covers many styles, spanning hundreds of years and cultures. Generally (but not always), classical music is played by an ensemble comprised of strings, wind, brass, and percussion instruments. Sometimes they’re all used, sometimes it’s just a solo instrument on stage. The Vallejo Symphony plays with a full orchestra, though we often will feature a soloist who is the “star” of the show.


Will I be underdressed?

NO! You can wear whatever you want to the Symphony. If you like to get all fancied up, good for you! If you prefer to wear casual clothing, wear that! Classical music is no different than any other kind of concert– it’s about the music, not whether you’re fancied up enough.


Will I recognize any music?

You will probably recognize a lot more than you anticipate! Most of today’s film music “quotes” classical music, and even the majority of pop music uses lines from famous orchestra works! As Stravinsky said, “A good composer does not imitate; he steals”.


How long are the concerts?

Most concerts are around 2 hours, including an intermission. Need a drink mid-way through? Vallejo Symphony’s home, the Empress Theatre, has a great bar. You might even see some of the orchestra there after the concert!


What is a subscription?

A subscription allows you to purchase a series of tickets for the entire season! It’s a package deal, so you get to make it to all the concerts of the season, don’t have to worry about whether you remember to get your tickets last minute, and you get invited to special “Subscriber’s Only” events!


Can I bring kids?

Please do! Amazing concert hall experience don’t belong only to those who can drive their own car. If your kids get antsy, you can always take them on a walk down to the waterfront or get a bite to eat at the concessions stand. At Vallejo Symphony, the more the merrier.


Is classical music only for people who learned instruments as kids?

Classical music is for everyone, regardless of whether they learned an instrument. Who knows, maybe you’ll leave inspired to pick one up!